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- 4.721 students
- Last updated 8/2023
The content of school science is broadly defined to include specific capacities, understandings, and abilities in science. The content standards are not a science curriculum. Curriculum is the way content is delivered: It includes the structure, organization, balance, and presentation of the content.
In addition to covering up the very basics, we at Unigolearn enhance the students’ expertise over the following;
Cognitive Science.
Computer Science.
All Boards followed in Australia, Bahrain, Canada, New Zealand, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, UK and USA.
Grade 1: Interactive Science text book, workbook, experiment book
Grade 2: Interactive Science text book, workbook, experiment book
Grade 3: Interactive Science text book, workbook, experiment book
Grade 4: Interactive Science text book, workbook, experiment book
Grade 5: Interactive Science text book, workbook, experiment book
Grade 6: Interactive Science text book, workbook, experiment book
Grade 7: Interactive Science text book, workbook, experiment book
Grade 8: Interactive Science text book, workbook, experiment book
Science Problems?
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